Case Study: BMO Radicle Service Design Blueprint

Project Overview

Role Senior Product Designer
Description Executing a high level service design blueprint
Problem To Solve For Service providers want to improve their process through software, but there was no clear overview of their current process, the role of software, and the impact this all had on the client experience.
Goal Understand what the overall journeys are and their relationship with each other for service providers and clients.
Challenges Collecting, dissecting and organizing the information in a clear manner was challenging. This is due to the fact that the service providers had different interpretations of what their process was like. The process can also vary by client.
Learnings Includes breaking down a blueprint to complete in chunks when the process can be complicated, to seek out different ways to collect information and reduce meetings, and the importance of educating others on my role and the purposes of a blueprint.
Tool(s) Miro

Process Overview

The overall process was to collect as much information as possible about the current process. The information had to be analyzed to find commonalities and differences, then gaps or opportunities were identified that could impact the overall journey.

  • Put together a blueprint template on Miro
  • Interview product and service providers to fill in the template
  • Distill, organize and summarize the information
  • Put a story together to help explain and educate the product team meeting on findings and gaps we have to build a better service and client experience
  • Participated in a lunch and learn to educate on service design and the value of it

1. Put together a blueprint template on Miro

The blueprint template breaks down into large tasks and steps that occur within the service journey for both the client and the service provider. The blueprint aimed to help the product team learn about:

  • Both personas and understand how the delivery of the service can impact the client experience as their journeys overlap
  • Understand where the postive and negative points are within the journeys
  • Identify opportunities to improve the delivery of the service

2. Research, interview service providers, and organize the information in a blueprint

Since service providers had specific roles and tasks they focused on, the blueprint was broken up for the interviewing process and filled in by sections.

  • Sift through process findings passed on from product
  • Identify process gaps or questions to be answered through interviews
  • Distill the convoluted and complex process into 4 different paths - the client experience, the service provider experience that is broken down into ideal, secondary, and tertiary paths. The service providers have an ideal process they aim to take, but based on client needs and circumstances, alternative paths are often taken to complete the carbon credit generating process.

3. Summarize and educate the product team and service providers on the findings

The goal with the summary is to tell a story to help the product team understand the current state of how our service providers are operating and how software is not incorporated on a holistic level.

  • Summary also emphasized the importance of customer experience (CX) and how it has been neglected within the current process. As of today, there is more focus on quick fixes that service providers face on a day-to-day basis, rather than fixing core problems that impact the full delivery of the service experience.